Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It's that time once again. Had to borrow the neighbor's leaf blower to get all the cobwebs out of this blog.

This year I planned on writing a fantasy for NaNo, but changed my mind and am now in the midst of working out something in the YA category. Okay, so I've not gotten very far yet and I'm a sluggard. But, I do have 8 characters lined up. Well, 8 that range from 13 to 19, plus 2 adults at the moment. All but one of the 8 have a psi power, and am stumped to find one for the last player in this group.

Genre is sorta SF-ish, in that it takes place on another world, had nothing to do with Earth or anyone from here. Of course I have no plot, or anything written out yet, and I so need to do that or I'll most likely get stuck early on and not go anywhere with it. At this point I'm desperate enough to try some free writing and see where it takes me. But! I do know the begining and the end! Whooo! Ending could possibly be a set up for another in this world, something I've always wanted to do. That, and write a YA.

Anywho, I do have a title, and a banner with all 8 characters on it.

Vor'Talthat: The Beginning
Now to figure out what's in store for these characters. All I do know is there will be 2 deaths, 1 betrayal, learning to trust and learning to love.

Oh, yeah, and there's all that world building I should do, too. Bad enough that "plot" escapes me most of the time, now I have to build a world. Me thinks someone really, really needs to get their butt in gear, and it isn't the cat either. And why, oh why, did I decide to do these many characters? I started out thinking 7 or maybe 5, yeah, 5 definitely would have been easier and now I'm up to 8 of them. This better be it for the group, as I'll still need some other characters in this story.

::bangs head::

1 comment:

Cate Gardner said...

Characters named, pictured, how it begins, how it ends, deaths - well you are way ahead of me! I don't even have a title yet - I am set at theme and nothing else.