Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Writing & Rant (not related or sort of)

Rant first.

Seriously, if you're on a writing email list, which by the way has a membership of 2000+, please stop jabbering about your hormones and pregnancy sickness. I'm sorry but that's not why I joined; my reasons were to read about the writing process, how others are doing, good things that happen to them, the market - get the picture. Yes, I know about the hormone thing, been there, done that. Yes, I know about getting sick when pregnant, been there, done that, three times to be exact. Two or three members start going back and forth about this crap like their the only ones on some private list, well you're not. To be upfront, I have no problem with conversations like that at all, this just isn't the place to do it. And, I'm sure all the males on the list are having a ball. Not. So, please, go form your own email list and talk about all that stuff to your hearts content.

The fact that the owner seems to ignore these types of conversations that crop up from time to time irritates the hell out of me. Most he'll do is say something if others put up enough of a bitch about it. Sorry, guy, but that doesn't make you a very good owner/moderator. It's a shame you never want to make one or two other members moderators, but that's come up in the past and you declined. And, yes, I know a bit about your history, so have a pretty good idea why you chose to run it alone.

So, hanging around the NaNo forum board lately and it's nice to see some new people there getting ready for November. And some who are doing a few off season NaNos. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do, while working on two other projects that were started and now I'd like to get finished. Would love to have a more detailed outline than I've ever attempted before, not that I've done all that many.

Downloaded Liquid Story Binder last week (free for one day) and I keep looking and playing with that from time to time, but mostly end up feeling lost. I do think it would work quite well with the Phase System though, so may be doing some actual writing in it when the time comes. Oops, I'll have to set that up first, but before that I'll need to know where the hell my story is going. Right now I only have the beginning and a few scenes in my head. Maybe will try to hit the index cards first and hope that spits out something worth using.

Oh, and just downloaded ScribeFire to use so will see how this works and if it will help me keep up with blogging more often. It's a Firefox add-on and puts an icon on the Status Bar. Kinda nifty, if it works well.

Here's to writing, the rest of this summer and tons more in November!