Changing ones life is not all that easy. I feel I've been stuck in certain places (all of my own making) but would really love to get out and move on once more. I haven't been working on any crafts, cross stitch in particular, nor have I been writing or reading. I do love all of these and yet I seem to have a hard time getting back to them. After three years one would think I would still be stuck in a rut here, but I am. I know this is only March, and we have April to get through, but then comes May and that's not an easy one for me. I keep feeling it's going to jump up at me rather soon. I deal, as always, with anything I get hit with in life, but losing a spouse seems to be something beyond the realm of understanding. Every day I feel the lose, still. Every day still has its hard moments of reality. All too often anymore I seem to find things, games mainly, to play to allow myself to leave the world of reality behind. Makes the days go faster I guess.
Problem with time moving faster if I don't have to think about the emptiness is that I truly don't accomplish anything and I'm getting to the point of feeling that too. I want to accomplish some things, to say to myself, see I can do that and finish it and then sit back and enjoy the finished product. Hell, I can't even do my blogs on a regular basis. Sad, sad, sad. But I never feel like I'm moping, just sliding through life with nothing to show for my time here.
Time to pull the bootstraps up and get back to the stuff I love to do.