Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mortgage from hell

Waiting for a phone call, although, it may not come today, but I feel a little bit on pins and needles.  I'm hoping against hope I can get my mortgage changed from the Company From Hell to my bank.  I think I'd be so much happier and it would be in my name and not my deceased husband's name.  Not to mention the interest would be much lower.  7.5% is high, too high, and I feel like that's most of what I end up paying every month.  The total is not going down much at all and that's not a good feeling.  There's also the fact that I've not read one single good review about them, just the opposite in fact.  I've gotten to the point of I hate them so much I don't want to see their name, let alone another bill from them.  I pay it every month and on time so they can't come back on me, but my name isn't on it and that bothers me to no end.

So I want to believe I can get this changed to my bank and I can deal directly with them.  On the flip side I guess I feel that it won't happen and I'll be stuck with the Company From Hell until my dying day.  They can't even get my new house insurance policy straighten out.  My insurance agent has notified them twice now so it's another waiting game for me to see if they send yet another notice that I don't have any insurance on my house.  Idiots.  All this because one department can't talk to another department to get it right.  This makes me feel that I'm going to end up in a tangled mess of their making.  Hate the idiots!