Saturday, October 27, 2007

Here, There, Where?

Interesting posts over at the NaNo site. Have to say too many make me shake my head. I didn't list Vor'Talthat: The Beginning under Young Adult and I guess that's a good thing, even though my group of characters range from around 14 to 19 year olds. Only teens/young adults read YA? Not from all that I've heard. Lots and lots of adults read it and say it's because it's written better than many adult books. I guess mine will stay under SF since it takes place on another planet, and the characters all come from different planets. So that's as close as I can get to a genre right now.

Fantasy. If you write fantasy it must be High Fantasy? Um, no. Just no. There are different kinds of fantasy and not all fall into that slot. Sorry.

And, don't worry about where your novel fits? Wait until you've written it, then decide? Okay, while not bad advise in and of itself, at the NaNo site there are different categories/genres to choose from, so if it doesn't matter then why have any of them listed to check? Certainly nothing wrong with changing it later, but it does feel nice to be able to label it in some way. Yes?

Why are people always asking, "What genre am I?" So they can hook up with whichever forum they can talk about what they're doing. Ask questions of others who are writing pretty much/sort of in the same genre. That's why. To me, anyway. They post in one forum, then it's suggested they might get better answers in "this" one or "that" one. Just seems like a lot of contradictory answers flying around. Or, maybe it's just me. ::shrug:: And, maybe that's why I don't seem to post much there. ::another shrug::

Morning rambling here and haven't had breakfast yet. ::must go do that!::