Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Morning Rambling

5:28 came way too damn early yesterday morning, but the cat didn't seem to think so.  Since she wouldn't let me sleep and kept bugging me I got up.  Today I was able to sleep in and it felt sooo good.

I tried the honey and cinnamon in my coffee this morning and while it didn't taste terrible I suppose I could do it on a regular bases as I have never cared much for hot tea.  Tea or hot water is what is suggested to mix the honey and cinnamon in but I'll try my method as long as I can tolerate it and I don't have any bad side effects. At the very least I might hope for some extra energy to get more chores done.  If we had more Spring-like weather that would be a big boost too.

On the mortgage and house insurance front I guess I'll be waiting until next month's bill comes for the mortgage to see if they got their act straightened out.  Too bad large companies get too big for their britches and therefor cannot get important papers and/or information to the right departments.  Oh, wait, once you get that big departments don't talk to each other.  Stupid me for thinking they could work better, especially with email, faxing, phones, and just plain talking to each other.  And in the end it's the customers who suffer the company employees' ignorance and just plain common sense.

I would love nothing more than to be out from under the Evil Mortgage Company, but I'm not sure it's going to be that easy.  Got stung by reverse mortgage, although, that was more from the people that particular company hired.  Oh, look, once again, it's the people you have to talk to who don't get it right, or sting you for their own benefit.

Coffee and breakfast done, so should go hit the shower and get dressed before noon arrives.  I'm hoping to see some blue sky today along with a bit of sun if we're lucky.  So far all I see out my window is a grey sky.  Sigh.  Spring needs to get its butt here now!

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