Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Writing Again

564 words written last night.

Last night I got back into Treasure Trove and was fairly happy with the scene. At least it moved it along. Kaste has found that it's handy to have Stella on her side now. Even after being searched, Stella manages to have a very tiny knife hidden on her person. With a weapon, even one that small, might help them get some valuable information out of Jezel.

I only wrote a little over 500 words, but that's more than I've been doing. One word would have been more than I've done in months.

It's funny, in a strange way. Kaste was created as a character for another novel, a fantasy, but I decided she wasn't really needed in that one. I wasn't sure what to do with her for a time, then when NaNo started getting nearer I thought I could use her for that. The first one I started didn't go where I wanted it to, but at least I didn't have very many words done. So I switched from yet another fantasy with her and dumped her into a space opera. Even though there were times last November that I wasn't sure where this story was going and got stuck a few times, I've had fun with her and Devon. I also discovered that when I got stuck it helped to switch between them for chapters.

It left off where Devon is being held captive in some other area of this big ship and Kaste doesn't know where or if he's all right, but she's pretty sure he is still alive. He has information the captain needs, but since Devon still has amnesia he isn't going to be able to help the captain. Whether the captain will believe Devon can't remember or thinks he's faking it remains to be seen... or written.

I know where I want to take this tonight. Now I'll have to hope it comes off as well written as it is in my head. Kaste will come face to face with the captain.

There's also another character that hasn't made an appearance yet, only been background fodder, so I'll need to flesh her out, right down to finding a name for her. I think she will be entering the story soon.