Saturday, July 28, 2007

Yesterday's words

Not anywhere near what I hoped for. 490 sad, sad word count. I seem to be having a problem with the story right now. I know where it's going, but yesterday's writing felt really bogged down and not moving the story forward. I had to hunt for my index cards with notes jotted down and, yay! I found them. At least the hunt didn't take me long. I also knew there was one scene that I forgot to put in, so maybe I just need to write that and stick it where it belongs. Who knows, maybe it will turn into more than one scene. I guess I can dream. After that I don't know, unless I just write gibberish until I hit The End.

Played a little bit in Google Docs and found you can make folders. So I did just that and 'lo and behold, while checking what all I had I found something I had I don't remember writing. Okay, all I have is:

A title, but I really, really like it.
Characters: 5 maybe or 4?
Main character: male or female?
Genre: SF or F?
Setting: Other planet or Alternate Universe or Futuristic?

Yeah, I know, not much, but maybe a start. I could possible look into some of my older stuff and use some characters that never went anywhere. Not yet, though. I have enough to get finished before November.

And once again I've frittered most of the day away already. Time to get busy and get something accomplished. If I'm lucky maybe I'll get more words in today or tonight.

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