Thursday, July 26, 2007

No writing/New idea

No writing tonight. Since I broke my glasses I feel tired all the time and there's no way to fix them. So I took the night off. Hopefully sometime within the next week I can get new ones. It's not like I don't need a new prescription anyway.

I did get an idea for something to write in November, though. Jotted some things down. I have 4 characters ::5 if you count the fire entity:: and their basic descriptions: age, hair color, eye color. The main character has a younger sister, which for some reason I wasn't surprised, but when a younger brother popped up out of nowhere, well, that startled me. I mean, where the hell did he come from? Good thing I was sitting on the couch or I might have fell over. Perceptive little thing he is too. I almost know more about him at this point than any of the others. There's also a guy who is a couple of years older than the main character. Is there romance in the air? :Sniff Sniff:: Maybe. Good element for conflict.

This will be a Young Adult, something I've wanted to write for a long time but just never had a good idea for one. I'm really hoping this one takes. So, a YA paranormal. I'm still trying to figure out if and how thriller might be attached to that. YA Paranormal Thriller is something I've been hearing about, but still need to connect the P and T together. I mean, wouldn't paranormal be enough by itself? Thrillers stand alone just fine without falling down. Guess I need to do some more digging around to find out how to connect those two dots.

I'll be doing lots of digging anyway for this to come up with enough meat to see it through and make it a full story.

I still want to get Treasure Trove finished, and after that Shattered Souls. Those two are from NaNo last year so I need to see The End within the next couple or so months on both.

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