Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Outlining for NaNo

I do love Open Office. Set my background to all black, seems easier on my eyes. Font, whatever color is easy for me to look at, too, and some days it changes. White feels a bit too stark to me, a more cream color is nice, although it claims to be a light yellow. And I've been playing with tables, which I think is helping more to set things up and not get lost. Yeah, I do get lost going around the block. ::grin::

So, I have one set up with two (2) columns and maybe something like one hundred (100) rows. Sounds like a lot but I may end up adding more. Right now I've only used 25, but with expansion. Which means I have 25 one sentence for a scene, the below that I expand that scene. Only 8 scenes expanded so far, so I really, really need to get cracking!

I also have some tables, on another page, set one at a time, and I can do a bit of rambling on what I want.

The visual is what I'm liking too with the tables. I can make them pretty. LOL Use colors for the borders and it's more pleasing to the eye. Mine anyway.

On another one I'd like to do for NaNo, I have my tables set up a bit different. Three columns, but not sure how many rows, will need to pull that one up again and check it. Since I might switch POV there I have the character's name in the first column, a sentence or two next to that and then an expansion of those sentence(s) next.

One problem I've come across is sending them from the laptop to the desktop loses the formatting. Might be a way to save and keep it, just haven't looked into that yet.

Yikes, the days are counting down and I have so much to get set up in my outlines! Especially, if I'm going to get from "The Beginning" to "The End" this year, which is the goal for this time around. I won't beat myself up if I don't make that, but it would be nice.

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