Thursday, April 12, 2007

Coming up with ideas

I like the two characters I came up with for this Space Opera. Not sure what I'll do with it in the end. If I ever manage to get to the "end." It's fun, though. Aaron hasn't made his appearance in this yet, but he is in a few Flash Fiction ones I spewed out. This came about from an exercise.

Setting: A dank cave

Character: A beggar

Conflict: There is suddenly an unbearable smell nearby

It consists of a whopping 1261 words. Sad, it is. And as it stands, Josh isn't really a begger but he had to resort to that role while stranded on a planet he detests. So far, as I skimmed through the paltry words written, it might seem that this is on some fantasy world, but there is a reference that it is not.

The cave part will be coming up soonish to make its appearance. And the "unbearable smell" will be revealed also. And Josh thinks things are bad for him now. Bwaaahahaha! After that Aaron will make his entrance. Drunk as a skunk, but he'll be there for the rescue.

::what the hell is "drunk as a skunk" skunks get drunk?::

I think I need to do some more Flash Fiction in order to tighten up. I've seemed to wander into wordiness a bit too much with this right from the beginning. Writing Flash Fiction does help get rid of excess words, so it's quite the eye opener. Absolute Write has a section for writing it.

Josh ran headlong into a boulder knocking him backwards and he landed flat on his back. He hadn't the strength left to run. Or walk for that matter. But he could crawl. Gritty sand dug under his nails and sifted through his clothes. His skin felt like someone had dumped minute particles of glass all over him. But he still crawled.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Trying something new

Sort of, since I think I downloaded the Avant browser before.

::think I must have been a cat in another life::

Curiosity always gets me. I like to see how things work and if I want to keep them or unistall them -- sometimes they go poof real fast. Will give this one a shot for a bit this time.

Okay, what the freaking hell is going on? Sitting at the bar in my kitchen and I turn around to look out the window and, man! snow is coming down like it's December or something. Almost makes me think I should haul all my decorations out and light the cave up. Yeah, seriously, it really truly looks like that outside right now. This is April! I should be able to go sit outside fer crying outloud. A couple of weeks ago people were walking around in shorts and now it's time for the longjohns again. Sheesh! Those who live in caves hibernate in weather like this. It so screws up my inner season clock.

About the time it does decide to heat up we'll probably get some freaking temps that will cause a meltdown. Guess I need to move back farther into the cave where it's a tad bit warmer.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

What to do... What to do!

Crap! Story for NaNo is, well, I'm not sure how to put it. Beginning sucks worse than big time. Later, it sort of settles in, is the best I can put it. But, if I go with where it sort of gets off the ground then what the crap am I going to do with all those other characters in the first part? Chuck them all out? I don't really want to do that but am going to have to do some serious thinking on exactly what to do with them. Whole other story? Ick! Don't really want to go there. Not at this point, anyway. I guess it's a thought for the future, though, and why should I throw away perfectly good characters? So... I guess I'll keep them around. Who knows, maybe they can be their own NaNo coming up.

I do have another story I'd like to do, but if I did it in November I'd be cheating since the thing is already started. But, I love Josh and Aaron! They are fun to write about and hang around with. Yeah, yeah, they aren't real, but still, they are a bundle of fun. What can I say? I've found that Space Opera is a ball to play in. Don't have to worry so much about the science stuff, which I'd fall down under as it is. And to think that these two guys were born from flash fiction! The few of those I did with these two weren't incorporated into the overall story, and most likely won't be. But who knows? There's still a ways to go with them on their adventures.

At this point I can't tell if Josh and Aaron are straight guys or not, and they don't seem to be saying at the moment. But, hey, two space guys who are treasure hunters, well, that leaves a lot to work with, plenty of worlds to explore, and tons of trouble to get into and out of. So, whichever way they lean I'll wait until they let me know.