Thursday, August 31, 2006


Why do I not write more often? That's the question I'm always asking myself. When I do write I enjoy it. It might be abhorent, okay, it generally is. Hell, I even like editing. So why do I put it off constantly? I think if I look deep down I'd find that I feel I'll never write anything being worthy of others reading, and at the very most someone actually wanting to pay for it.



If nothing more I should just do it for my own pleasure and leave it at that. Maybe there are some writers out there who don't walk around with horrible doubts in their minds, but I have to wonder how many do carry such uncertainties within their innermost thoughts.

Procrastination and doubts are my Degree. High school education is all I attained, and that was painful enough. School was not a great place for me, yet I never once thought about not finishing. Had an English teacher who didn't help, other than to put down all the students he ever had. He'd squash a dream faster than lightning. Guess I could add the Hard-Knocks-of-Life-School to my resume. That's about it.

Sounds like I'm "baring my soul" here, and "woe is me." Which makes me smile a bit. Maudlin I'm not! Truly, I'm not that kind of person. I not only like the simple things in life I really enjoy them. Not a needy person and am happy being that way!

I think I should be writing something more tangible instead of spitting out this stuff. :)


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