Thursday, September 07, 2006

Flash Fiction Friday 2

Earth: The Map

Josh walked around the totem, inspecting each indentation and all the markings.

He looked at Aaron and shook his head. "I don't see anything."

"It has to be here," Aaron said. "The source was reliable."

"Wouldn't be the first time we were taken in."

Josh watched as Aaron searched the totem just as he'd done. Then Aaron's gaze went to the top. Aaron looked at Josh. "You don't think...?"
"Anything is possible."

"So, whose turn to do the climbing?"

"Your turn," Josh told him. "I did it last time, remember?" At least Aaron wouldn't have to climb a sheer wall like he'd done.

"Not that high," Aaron said, as he tilted his head back and looked at the large, gray bird carved out of wood situated at the top. He grabbed hold of the bottom section and began to inch his way up.

He found hand and foot holds easy enough. Josh watched as his friend pushed and prodded each area, but nothing budged to yield a secret compartment.

"How are you doing?" Josh called up to him.

Aaron glanced down and Josh could see beads of sweat forming on his face. He never passed up the chance to get in a dig whenever Aaron had to climb. The man was afraid of heights but loved roaming in space. He always told Josh that was different, yet Josh had yet to figure out that kind of reasoning.

"Got something," Aaron yelled down.

"What is it?"

Aaron held something up then grabbed one of the gray wings to catch his balance. No answer came from him as he made a slow decent down the totem. As soon as his booted feet made connection with the solid ground, Aaron leaned over and put his hands on his knees. With slow movement he held up a folded piece of paper.

Josh reached for it but before his fingers touched it a voice spoke behind him.

"Well, well. Thanks for doing the hard work."

Josh turned slowly. "Maritta, what a nice surprise."

Maritta cocked her head to one side. "You know, I can never decide which one of you is the best looking. Aaron with his dark looks or you, Josh, the fair-haired one." She shrugged one dainty shoulder. "I'll take that. Wouldn't want to cause a stir here, now would we?" A stun gun was aimed directly at Josh.

"Don't give it to her, Aaron."

"Sorry, Josh, but I don't care to be laid out flat for who knows how long. Besides, others will most likely be coming along soon and we'd have to explain what happened."

Aaron stepped forward, arm outstretched and Maritta grabbed the paper from his fingers.

Maritta walked backwards until she had enough distance between them, then she turned and disappeared down a path.
Josh swung around ready to berate his friend.

Aaron put one hand up to forestall him. "Don't worry, I know what was one it."


"It's a map. I memorized it. Wasn't hard since I know where the coordinates end up."

Josh drew his brows down in a frown. "So where are we headed to now?"

"Caston," Aaron said with a smile.

"You're kidding, right? Do you remember the last time we were on Caston? They'll skin us alive if we return there."

Aaron shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not."

"I think your mind has slipped a few. All the trouble we caused and the hard time we had getting off that planet, nope, I'm not going back."

"Seems to me you're slipping, my friend. Need I remind you what else awaits us in Caston?"

"It's not worth it." Josh stomped away.

Aaron let out a loud laugh. "Not worth the challenge alone? I know you better than that. You'll go to Caston and revel in the thrill of not getting caught this time."

Problem was, Aaron spoke the truth, as much as it pained Josh to admit it, even to himself. Yes, they'd go to Caston and damn the consequences.


Bk30 said...

ohh spies or treasure hunters? intergalatic space travel yummy :)
I wish she had allowed you more words :)

Anonymous said...

Nice little scene. You can see the three have a bit of history.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, this is good. :) So what happens next? Have you thought about fleshing this out into a longer story? You've got a lot of material to work with... :D