Thursday, August 31, 2006

Decisions, decisions

Took a look at _The Grona Stone_ tonight. Yeah, yeah, lousy title, I know. Sometimes, though, I kinda like it, other times I think it sucks. Right now it sits at approx. 29,300.

I knew I had a problem not long after I got into it. POV, to be exact. Didn't know what to do since a couple of the characters got split from the rest. These two are my favorite. They feel fuller to me. ::I know, rounded out -- I like fuller:: Got some good friction going on between them. There's lots of friction with all the others too, but not quite the same. Or, not coming out in the writing as well. I'm not sure. I like the others and there's lots of potential there, but I have to wonder if they need to stay somewhat in the background for this story. Guess they could have their own later if it worked out that way. Just don't know if only two can carry most of the story. 'Course then another entirely different character walked on and I liked him. Brother to one of the main characters so maybe he needs his own story too. Yikes! A series? I'm now thinking in terms of series?! Never thought I could do one of those. Hmmm, will have to think on that bag of worms.

It's been interesting so far, to say the least. The two favorite characters took me down a path I didn't see coming. They are fun so I'll forgive them for high jacking the novel.

I'm also going to have to work much harder to get more darn description in. I have white-room syndrome! I can see it yet it refuses to seep down into and through my fingers onto the keyboard. Stupid brain! Maybe the fingers are at fault. Could be they shut off any entry the brain tries to make. There's a conspiracy going on, I know it!

Guess I continue to stick with just these two for main characters and not clog up pages by going back and forth. Two POV's are enough to deal with.

I also thought they had reached their destination, but noooo, they haven't left the ship yet. Must be all that other stuff is in my head and I only
thought I'd written it already.

Now I'm worried about another one I have. Probably don't have what I think written on that one either.

No wonder brain doesn't function properly, there's too much clutter in it. That alone should give me enough incentive to write more. At least it might clear up some space.

Anyway, I keep fluctuating between making this a YA or not. Keep leaning towards YA, so will most likely go that route. I think it's set where it could be written either for YA or Adult. The main characters are on the youngish side, but still on the high end of it, and I don't want to change that. Guess I'll just wait and see how it all comes out in the end.

Think I'll go curl up on my rock shelf for the night and let the mind run through those unwritten words again. The noggin needs a refresher course on those scenes. It also needs to stop getting so far ahead of my typing and trick me into thinking I've got more done that I do.

Ah, well, it was good to get some of this out.

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