Friday, October 20, 2006

NaNo 2006 Thinking...

I still have yet to figure out what I'm writing for NaNo. I thought maybe one thing but now I'm leaning towards another. The other is only a thought at the moment but I like it, what I have that is.

Guess I just can't stay away from my space guys and treasure hunters. Okay, not going to use the old stand-bys I stick in Flash Fiction Friday. They're good for that exercise so there they will stay. Have a new character, a couple actually, one male, one female. Whoo! Wonder if a romance is going to bloom between them? Find out in the outline. Maybe. If I do stick with these characters they may be staying on the planet I found them wandering around on. Still, there might be treasure to be had! One can never be sure.

That's another glitch at the moment. I have no outline, but want one. I guess I can't run to the store and buy one so will have to do it from scratch. That's okay. Have no idea if this is the one I really want to do so am not going to get all excited over it just yet.


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