Monday, August 28, 2006

Working on......

Too many projects it seems. My folders are going to get too plump for their own good!

Started an exercise last night. ::no, not that kind!:: Flash fiction, of which I've never done before and don't know what makes me think I can now. Three characters to go off in different directions. Yeah, baby, I can sure do that in 250 words! HA! Don't know who I'm kidding. Seems everything I start as a short wants to grow up to be big strong novel. Beginning came easy, but where to go and how to keep it to the word minimum? That's the nagging question.

And now I'm thinking of starting another flash fiction.

::bangs head on cave wall::

Did one about a week ago from an exercise, but not flash, thank you very much Muse. Still, planned on it being a short but now wants to rear its ugly head and become All-That-It-Can-Be. Not to mention its taking me down a path I've never tread before. We're suppose to stretch ourselves in our writing, yes? ::sigh:: I'm hoping to have fun with it anyway.

Fantasy and Space Opera are the niches I cling to, although what I know about space and science wouldn't fill a thimble. Last night's came out YA fantasy, yet to be finished. I got tired. Puppy got tired. We went to bed and left characters left hanging. I should be working on it now. I should have worked on it earlier today. Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda, Didn't. I still have time tonight. Just need some motivation.

Motivation, motivation where did you go
Down a road so dark I lost you
Now I can't get back home fool

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