Monday, July 30, 2012

Old beginning

Change of plans for Camp NaNo.  Dug around in my files today and decided I might be better off picking some novels I started long ago and have more words.  I now have 3 to work on.  The oldest isn't really calling me but it does have the most words.  The other two I might be more easy to dig into.  I'm going to try to get the oldest one finished, then decide which of the other two to get back to.  I may or may not be able to get all three finished but at least they all give me something to start with and an inkling of where I wanted to go with them.

Since the first day is drawing ever near I think this will be the best option for me at this time.  Hopefully I can come up with something new and interesting for November.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Digging Around for Camp NaNo

Checked some old stuff I had started but mostly had not written all that much.  Only one had 12k+ but all the rest a lot less.  That's okay, was interesting to look at them and see what might catch my attention enough to maybe start working on.  Of course one of the space operas won out and it's probably much newer than most of them.  That's fine too.  And, as always I have no idea where this was going and most likely didn't have much in my head when I wrote it.

I'm not sure if it's strange or not, but this was also the only one that didn't have a title.  Had to scurry around in my head to come up with something if only a working title.  Word Web to the rescue for not the first time in the years and years I've had it.  So, with a little help from that and then a quick search online I now have Hole-and-Corner in Space.  It means cloak-and-dagger, hush-hush, undercover, underground, secret, and a few more.

I may see if I can get some notes or some sort of outline worked out before next month.  Might just dig around more too and see what else I can find.  Haven't looked at the external hard drive yet, some little nugget might be hiding in there.  Who knows?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Camp August NaNo

I have 8 days to decide if I want to try  NaNo Camp August

If I do I'll have to be a rebel, which I've never done before.  I have enough unfinished projects to choose from and could probably work on more than one to the finish line of the novels.  I want to get excited about NaNoWriMo in November like I used to be.  I really miss that feeling.

I feel like my creative well is still dry, but I also know that if I just start writing that could easily prime the pump and get something new flowing. I might go set up the laptop on the table, gather some writing stuff to add to the setting and see if that helps get me motivated in any way.

As always, time will tell.

Sunday, January 08, 2012


Camp NaNo didn't pan out for me and NaNo in November just didn't happen.  Haven't written a word in I don't know how long.  Need inspiration, which really shouldn't have to wait for and make my own, need a good character to get into, again should make my own.  All easy to say just not as simple to do for me yet. Not sure the well is primed at all at this point.  Maybe another excuse because I know how to prime a pump - not getting any water then you give it some to get it going.  I should apply the same to writing.  Lots of playing but not with characters or made up worlds.  Lots of procrastinating which I'm very, very good at doing.