Sunday, July 03, 2011

Camp NaNo Day 3

Have not yet caught up to the number of words I should have but not going to worry about it.  Also, just found out yesterday one of my cousins passed away.  Not sure what today will bring but probably some words written later, but most likely not very many.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

First day at Camp NaNo

Not off to a good start, but I'm not worried.  I'm going into this with as much of a laid-back feeling as I can.  Nothing at all going on today so maybe I'll get more words down and make up for yesterdays procrastination.  Tomorrow's time will be taken up mostly but will still have some hours to myself to write - it will be a good day with family, as small as that has become.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Changes in Life

Been a very long time since I've been here and to be honest I found it a bit hard to remember my way to my own blog.  Sad, I know.  But, given the circumstances I am going to forgive myself.  Losing one's spouse is a hard and difficult road to traverse.  It's been a little over a year now but it hasn't lessened the pain a whole lot - some but not all.  Time, I know is what I have to wait for before it gets better.  Some days are better but lately not so much and have found myself in a depression.  Enter Camp NaNoWriMo and hopefully it will give me the boost I seem to need at this point.  I believe I have to get back to doing the things I used to do to get past this large hump in the road.  Will it heal the pain?  No, but it might just be the thing to get me going again.

This begins at midnight tonight and I have nothing.  Maybe a name.  Maybe.  Not even sure about that though.  I am thinking along the lines of space opera since that was the genre I was having fun with before the world dropped away.

I also think I need to remember how to get back here again. :)