Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another NaNo Widget

Let's see how this works. Not sure it will show all 3 novels. Maybe once it updates?

My NaNoWriMo Progress

Doesn't seem to be updating in real time. Will see if it updates around midnight or so, if I'm still up then.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NaNo 1 done; NaNo 2 started

NaNo novel made it to the 50K mark. I almost think this could be split about in half and made into two novels. Switched FMC a bit over halfway through and the plot changed somewhat, but all the characters stayed in and had parts to play. Choppy? Yes. Very. Will need to think on it later. For now I'm starting a new one.

Shadows and Dust is the working title of the new one. Plot bunny jumped up and bit me in the ass yesterday afternoon. Oh yeah, so it was What if? this and What if that? What? Generation ship? Ack! Okay, most of them are dead and only a few left alive. Those few still alive? The oldest one will probably be 19. Know how to run the ship? Nope. Know some things, but will be learning as they go, I guess. I hope they learn, because I know nothing about it.

I think I'm going to ignore TV tonight and try to get some more writing in. And if my computer keeps acting up I may toss it out the window! Not planning on writing on the damn thing but will be using the laptop and it better behave itself. Did nothing but fight with both of them yesterday. Both were cleaned just before November and the desktop twice again now. Laptop has had one more this month.

Oh, and have found a great program to write in. Q10. Full screen, which is nice, but Open Office does that too. What I really love is the word counter. It counts as you are typing. And also has a timer you can set, so it's nice to use for word wars with others or just by yourself. Can change the background color and the font color. Make it sound like a typewriter, which I didn't think I'd like but it's not bad. I felt like I was able to produce more words yesterday by being able to see my word count in real time. Might be a distraction to some but works for me.

Okay, the kids are starting to wake up. Um, that would be the kids on the ship. Guess I'd better get them all up and moving so they can start learning all those new things. Whoo! Let the complaining begin! I just know they will.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Now this is neat. NaNo widgets

Oh, yeah, I chucked the novel I was planning to do and went with one I have almost absolutely nothing on, other than in my head. Some character names, a short paragraph on them, which most have been changed as I write.

NaNo words wars have helped me bring the word count up to where it is now. Strange, because I've only done a couple of days worth of word wars. I really, really need to begin my writing earlier in the day and keep going with it to get to that, sometimes elusive, 50,000. I do if I want to still try doing 3 of these again this year. One isn't too far behind and would be easy to bring up to speed, but the 3rd one is sitting so far back on word count right now all you can see is dust.

I'd love to get some 10K days in. Managed 2 of those last year and one 11K. About three days of those and this one would be finished. Well, maybe not as far as "The End" but at least to 50K, then I could move on to one of the others. The second would be easy to bring up to the count it needs to be and then if I could do the same with the third one, then I'd only need to write 2,000 for each one per day. Very doable for me since I've been getting at least 5K a day on the one shown in the widget above.

15min word wars works for me. My average comes out to about 500 words each time, give or take, so 4 words wars and, boom! I've got my 2K written.

And that means I need to get my butt in gear and go do some of those, eat lunch, then jump right back into them today.